Thursday, May 27, 2010

Compare: Precepts, Principles, Person

The 4C Process helps you make right moral choices in conformity with God's universal will. CHOICE was discussed last time. The next is:

C2. COMPARE it to God. Compare your choice of action to the nature and character of God. First, compare your choice to God's precepts— the rules, regulations, codes, and requirements of Scripture. Are there specific Bible passages that tell you what to do in this instance?

Second, compare your choice to a universal principle based on Scripture. Principles help explain the "why" behind the precepts. For example, the basic principle behind "You shall not give false testimony" (Exodus. 20:16) is honesty. The principle behind "You shall not murder" (Exodus. 20:13) is love. Is there a scriptural principle that applies to the choice you need to make?

Third, compare your choice to the person of God. The precepts and principles of Scripture ultimately point us to God. Moses prayed, "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you" (Exodus. 33:13). Moses recognized that learning God's ways—understanding His precepts and the principles behind them—would help him grow to know the person of God Himself. When you compare a specific choice or course of action to God, you will begin to see the will of God more clearly. To be continued.

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