Monday, March 8, 2010

Support for Those Grieving

The memorial service for Margaret and Matthew Rogers was scheduled for Friday morning at the church. With his father's encouragement, Chad elected to stay home from school for the week. It gave him time to grieve with Dad and Beth and other relatives, many of whom had come from out of state.

Chad was amazed at the practical support supplied by friends and church members like Doug and Jenny Shaw. He had expressed concern to Doug that he might fall behind on his school work during his week away. So Doug went to the school, contacted each of Chad's teachers, and collected assignments he could do at home. He just saw the need and filled it. Chad found it helpful to divert his concentration to homework a couple of hours each day.

Pastor O'Neill told Ben, Chad and Beth not to worry about fixing meals for themselves. Every evening, a different church family showed up at the house with a delicious covered-dish supper with plenty of food for extended family. Others in town volunteered to house visiting relatives. And someone was always available to run errands and help with household chores. Doug and Jenny Shaw were right in the middle of making sure Chad and his family were cared for in practical ways.

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