"Ms. Dunsmuir has done well to
remind us of the heartrending stories of girls like Jenny." Senator
Bellardi exhibited no ill effects from his opponent's barbed rebuttal. His
poise at the lectern seemed unflappable. "And although a sanctity of life
standard must be upheld in all cases, my quarrel is not primarily with women
who submit to abortion during a momentary lapse of conscience or good judgment.
Thankfully, these occurrences are in the minority. Rather, the pro-life
legislation I propose is aimed at multiplied thousands of women who think
nothing of terminating new life simply because pregnancy or motherhood is
incompatible with their lifestyle." A soft murmur of affirmation from the
audience confirmed that the senator's supporters were also present in force.
"I refer to these women
impersonally as Ms. X, because their unconscionable acts are inhumane. Animals
sometimes kill their young, but sane and sensible people made in the image of a
loving God do not. We cannot tolerate careless, thoughtless, heartless women
and their male partners whose devotion to convenience, career, and the good
life leads them to kill their young in the womb. Convenience abortion is not
right anywhere at any time. If that is intolerance, so be it. As governor of
North California, I will make sure that the rights of the unborn are protected
by law."
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