Stevie shook her head to clear her thoughts. Such negativity toward God must surely border on blasphemy. And it wasn't that she didn't believe God's Word, but. . . how was she to reconcile it with what was taking place in her life?
It had been so different in those early years. She and Jon had truly been in love—with God, with each other, with their children, and with life in general. Every sermon had been exciting, every Scripture personal.
The events of the last four years, however, had markedly influenced her view of the church's relevance in her life. All the sermon notes she had scribbled down had not prepared her for Dougie's overdose and her second child's shocking deceit and defection, or the unexplained drive-by shooting that could have taken her own life and the life of her third child.
Some Christians at my college challenged me to prove that the Bible was not accurate. As a skeptic, I spent 2 years trying to do this, and concluded that the Bible that we have today describes accurately what was said and done 2000 years ago. When I then read the Bible, I saw that God wanted a personal relationship with me. I want you to see that God also wants a personal relationship with you, one that you can depend upon in your life.
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