Thursday, December 2, 2010

Regret, Options, Prayer

In order to plan a meeting to tell your parents about your unintentional pregnancy, you need to decide if you want someone to go with you and schedule a time. The following steps should also help:

Express your regret and repentance. Since you are their daughter, your parents will suffer many of the same experiences, emotions, and pressures you will suffer in the coming months. Are you sorry for the difficulties your mistake will put them through in the coming weeks? Express your heartfelt sorrow and regret to them in your own words.

Discuss your options with them. Express and explain your current thoughts on the issues of abortion, marriage, single parenthood, and adoption. Invite their counsel and prayers as you decide whether to raise the baby yourself, marry the father or to give the baby up for adoption. Your parents may also be willing to help you share your news with other family members and with the child’s father and his family. Respectfully ask for your parents’ help and support in the coming months.

Close with prayer. If your parents are Christians, ask them to join you in a time of prayer. Together ask God for His direction and help in the coming months as you deal with all the activities related to pregnancy and the birth of the child.

As you convey respect for your parents’ feelings and a willingness to listen to their concerns and suggestions, you increase the possibility that they will become your helpful supporters in the months ahead. Knowing that your dearest loved ones are on your side will help lift some of the emotional burden from your shoulders.

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