Monday, April 12, 2010

You Need Support

You need more than comfort from others while grieving the loss of a loved one. You also need support. What's the difference between comfort and support? People supply the comfort you need when they share your sorrow emotionally.

People supply the support you need by helping you during this time in practical ways. The day-to-day tasks of life go on even after a tragedy. But you may have little attention or energy for such things because you are dealing with such a heavy emotional burden. You and others in your family need temporary help just to get these things done. You need the help of people who are committed to obeying Galatians 6:2, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

You may be tempted to ignore or to refuse the support offered by others. You may feel that you can handle it yourself, or you may not want others to be bothered with things you normally do for yourself. Resist that temptation. God put Galatians 6:2 in the Bible because He knows there are times we should rely on the support of others. This is such a time. Let other people do things for you, and be grateful for their help. It is one of the ways God is providing for your needs at this time.

What if you have a need and nobody steps up to offer help? Ask for it. There is nothing wrong with telling a trusted friend, a youth leader or your minister about your need and asking for help. In most cases, people are more than willing to help out; they just don't know what needs to be done. Feel free to help people support you at this time by letting them know what you need.

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