Thursday, October 1, 2009

Divorce—Grieving the Loss

You may recognize a number of emotions as a result of the separation or divorce of your parents. You may feel terribly sad, depressed, hopeless, abandoned, frightened and even angry because of what happened. You may cry as you have never cried in your life. You may feel emotionally drained and exhausted. And you may get intensely angry at the situation, at one or both of your parents or even at God for allowing it to happen. It is important to understand that these feelings are normal and natural. It is the way God wired you. Your emotions are a built-in release valve to help you handle the deep inner pain.

Don’t bottle up your feelings. Let the grief flow out. It’s okay for someone to hurt and cry with you. This response reflects Jesus' words in Matthew 5:4: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Mourning is the process of getting the hurt out. You share how sad you feel so oth­ers can share your pain and hurt with you. This is God's design for blessing you and beginning to heal the pain that accompanies the divorce of your parents.

A divorce can be seen as the death of a mar­riage. You may react to your parents' divorce much as you would react to the death of a parent, sib­ling, or friend. Grief is a common process most people go through after such sad events. The grieving process, which may continue for several weeks or months, has five clearly identifiable stages. Some of these stages overlap or go in a different order, but no two people go through the process in exactly the same way.

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