Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kids Looking for Love

God intended for kids to learn to love in the home by seeing both parents first love each other and then love them unconditionally. When young people learn love at home, they won’t have to go out looking for it in the back seat of car. According to Sarah Brown, director of the Washington, D.C.-based National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, “We know from studies that close relationships between parents and their children over many years reduce sexual risks.”

When loving relationships in the home break down and the parental model of love ceases to function, children grow up ignorant of how to give or receive love. For these children, developing close, intimate relationships may be impossible. Despite a desperate need for love, young people who grow up experiencing a love famine at home are afraid they will never find it. So they often settle for a cheap imitation: a sexual experience that will only make their pain and hunger for love worse.

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