Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Concerns about Wes

The ambiance on the houseboat was so pleasant and the accommodations so near perfection that even the perpetually task-focused Daniel Bellardi took notice. Yet nothing was more pleasantly conspicuous to him than the appearance and behavior of his son. During the evening's entertainment Daniel whispered to his wife, “Wes has been marvelous this evening. Did you notice how pleasantly he greeted everyone as we introduced him, and how easily he made conversation? The haircut and the clothes made the difference," Daniel insisted. "I knew they would. Look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp.”

"He looks as if he just stepped out of Esquire," Patricia breathed with admiration. Daniel nodded. "I think even he was surprised at the change." Daniel leaned close to Patricia , "To be honest, I've been worried about Wes, how he would fit in, if he would even be interested in working with us." Patricia patted her husband's hand reassuringly. "Wes is an individual—his own person, just the way we raised him to be. But first and last, he is a Bellardi. Next to me, no one will be more proud of your victory in this campaign than Wes. And I'm certain that your son will make you just as proud of him."

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