Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The “Ex”

Placing the phone in its cradle, Stevie's thoughts were focused on Collin's father—her ex-husband. Even after more than a year she felt uncomfortable thinking of Jon as her "ex." Loving Christian couples with wonderful kids were just not supposed to end up as ex-husband and ex-wife. But then most Christian marriages didn't experience the anguish that she and Jon had suffered with their firstborn, Douglas—sweet Dougie.

There were many things that had happened to her that Stevie never believed could happen to a Christian--the sudden, wrenching loss of a beloved teenaged son to drugs; the oppressive guilt, cruel insinuations and charges of blame, the growing wedge of cold distance; the blinding, debilitating depression Stevie thought only resulted from mental illness or demon possession; finally, the willful dissolution of a solemn vow.

Who had initiated the proceedings? Stevie had to admit that she had, under indescribable mental, physical, and emotional stress. But who had actually caused the divorce? Each blamed the other at the time. From her current perspective, however, Stevie could admit that there was no one culprit. The dissolution of their marriage was a regrettable but seemingly unavoidable product of these two people under this kind of pressure.

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