Monday, February 11, 2008

The Real Truth

To say that one truth is as good as another is to say that it really doesn’t matter what you believe, because all religious beliefs are mere coping illusions that we grasp in desperation to help us get through the uncertainties and mystifications of life. What if there is a God out there, a God who is the only source of certainty, meaning, purpose, and identity? And what if, as Christianity affirms, there is only one road by which you can reach Him and that is through a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ? What would that do to the notion that we should affirm all beliefs as valid? It would kill it.

If there is one solid absolute truth, then the idea that we can create our own truth is fatal. It is the most dangerous doctrine we can adopt, because if you hold to a belief that does not exist as an objective reality, you are in jeopardy of missing out on the promises and benefits of knowing the real God. You are in danger of throwing away your life.

If you believe that a real truth may exist out there somewhere, but it is impossible for you to know it, the answer is not to throw up your hands and adopt some convenient imitation of truth that seems to work for you; you must keep searching. If real truth exists, no substitute will give you the answers you need.

1 comment:

Vinny said...

I recently ran across a video on YouTube in which William Lane Craig, makes the following statement:
The way that I know Christianity is true is first and foremost on the basis the witness of the Holy Spirit in my heart. This gives me self-authenticating means of knowing Christianity is true holly apart from the evidence. And therefore, if in some historically contingent circumstances, the evidence that I have available to me should turn against Christianity. I don’t think that that controverts the witness of the Holy Spirit. In such a situation, and I should regard that simply as a result of the contingent circumstances that I am in, and that if I were to pursue this with due diligence and with time I would discover that in fact that the evidence—if I could get the correct picture—would support exactly what the witness of the Holy Spirit tells me.

When a leading Christian apologist like Craig freely admits that he would reject objective evidence if it conflicted with his subjective religious feelings and encourages others to do so, it is hard for me to think of myself as the one doesn’t believe in “real truth.”